Keynote Speakers

Peihua Qiu

Title: Transparent Sequential Learning for Monitoring Data Streams
Machine learning methods have been widely used in different applications, including process control and monitoring. For handling statistical process control (SPC) problems, conventional supervised machine learning methods (e.g., artificial neural networks and support vector machines) would have some difficulties. For instance, a training dataset containing both in-control and out-of-control process observations is required by a supervised machine learning method, but it is rarely available in SPC applications. Furthermore, many machine learning methods work like black boxes. It is often difficult to interpret their learning mechanisms and the resulting decision rules in the context of an application. In the SPC literature, there have been some existing discussions on how to handle the lack of out-of-control observations in the training data, using the one-class classification, artificial contrast, real-time contrast, and some other novel ideas. However, these approaches have their limitations in handling SPC problems. In this paper, we extend the self-starting process monitoring idea that has been employed widely in modern SPC research to a general learning framework for monitoring processes with serially correlated data. Under the new framework, process characteristics to learn are well specified in advance, and process learning is sequential in the sense that the learned process characteristics keep being updated during process monitoring. The learned process characteristics are then incorporated into a control chart for detecting process distributional shifts based on all available data by the current observation time. Numerical studies show that process monitoring based on the new learning framework is more reliable and effective than some representative existing machine learning SPC approaches.

Peihua Qiu is a professor and the founding chair of the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Florida. Qiu has made substantial contributions in the research areas of jump regression analysis, image processing, statistical process control, survival analysis, dynamic disease screening, and spatio-temporal disease surveillance.

So far, he has published two research monographs and over 140 research papers in refereed journals in these areas. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association, an elected fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, an elected fellow of the American Society for Quality, and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He served as an associate editor for a number of top statistical journals, including the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics, and Technometrics. He was the editor of the flagship statistical journal Technometrics during 2014-2016.

Hongmei (Mary) He

Title: The Challenges and Opportunities of Human-Centered AI for Trustworthy Robots and Autonomous Systems

Prof. Bruno AGARD

École polytechnique, Université de Montréal, Canada

The trustworthiness of robots and autonomous systems (RAS) is at the centre of many research agendas on AI driven autonomous systems. This research systematically investigates for the first time the key aspects of human-centred AI (HAI) for trustworthy RAS in terms of safety, security, human-machine interaction, system health and ethics by identifying the challenges in implementing trustworthy autonomous systems with respect to the five key facets and exploring the role of AI in relation to the five facets of trustworthy RAS. It also presents a new acceptance model for RAS as a framework for human-centred AI requirements, promoting machine intelligence that augments human capabilities and places humans at the centre to achieve trustworthy RAS by design.

Discover the work of Hongmei (Mary) He, a Professor specializing in Future Robotics, Engineering, and Transport Systems at the University of Salford. With advanced degrees from Loughborough University, UK, and a background as a senior embedded system engineer at Motorola, China, Dr. Hongmei is at the forefront of AI research. Her expertise spans Cognitive Robotics, Cyber Security, Data/Sensor Fusion, and the safety of autonomous systems. An accomplished researcher, she has led numerous projects funded by top-tier institutions and has an extensive publication record. Dr. Hongmei also plays a significant role in the academic and professional community through her involvement with IEEE, the EPSRC peer-review college, and as a reviewer for the EU H2020 ICT Robotics Programme.

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