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Explainable, Trustworthy, and Transparent Artificial Intelligence: 

Self-Supervised Learning, Anomaly Detection, Federated Learning, Federated Reinforcement Learning, Multimodal Deep Learning, Quantum Machine Learning, Physics-informed Machine Learning, Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Ethical and Human-centered Artificial Intelligence:

Embedded AI, Wearable AI Devices, Human-Centered Design to Address Biases in AI, Augmented Intelligence, Human-Robot relations and collaborations, Human Impact, Augment Human Capabilities, and Intelligence

Safety and Reliability of Artificial Intelligence:

Adversarial Machine Learning, Detecting Poisoning Attacks, Cybersecurity for AI Systems, Blockchain Empowered Federated Learning, Consensus Protocol, Evolutionary Computing, Swarm Algorithms

Statistical Computing:

Statistical Process Monitoring, Advanced Control Charts, Quality Control, Interpreting out-of-control signals using Machine Learning, Control Chart Pattern Recognition (CVPR) with Machine Learning, Screening and Early Detection and Monitoring of Infectious Diseases

Intelligent Decision Support Systems: 

Embedding domain knowledge for Machine Learning, Clinical Decision Support Systems, Supply Chain Optimization, Production Optimization, Demand Forecasting, Cybersecurity for industrial control systems, Fault Detection and Diagnostics, Predictive Maintenance, Natural Language Processing for Fashion Trends Detection

Digital Twins: 

Digital Twins in Healthcare, Digital Twin Application for Production Optimization, Digital Twin Drives Smart Manufacturing

Applications of AI, Edge Computing, and Data Science in Industry 5.0: 

Digital Transition and AI, Twin Green and Digital Transition, AI for Health and Wellbeing, Smart Healthcare, Smart Manufacturing, Workplace Safety Wearables, Reliability Engineering, AI-aided Knowledge Discovery, Sustainable Fashion, Hardware Bit-Flipping Attack


1st International Conference on Responsible Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

EAI HealthyIoT 2024

11th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare

EAI SaSeIoT 2024

8th EAI International Conference on Safety and Security in Internet of Things

EAI EdgeIoT 2024

4th EAI International Conference on Intelligent Edge Processing in the IoT Era

EAI MobilityIoT 2024

11th EAI International Conference on Mobility, IoT and Smart Cities

EAI IndustrialIoT 2024

6th EAI International Conference on Industrial IoT Technologies and Applications

Important Dates







– Carry out research and design training activities in microchips, semiconductors, artificial intelligence development, technology transfer, and international cooperation.

– Point of contact with related departments and agencies on land and infrastructure issues necessary to implement investment projects;

– Support investors in carrying out investment procedures before, during, and after projects are granted investment registration certificates and business registration certificates as prescribed;

– Receive, summarize, and submit to competent authorities for settlement of investors’ proposals and recommendations;

– Organize activities to promote the environment and investment opportunities in Da Nang (conferences, workshops, investment promotion forums, fairs, and exhibitions…) and business matching activities in the Semiconductor and Artificial Intelligence field.

– Organize training on laws and investment and business-related skills;

– Provide support at investors’ request to establish and deploy investment projects.